About Us

Who are we

  • We are THE BRAND SENSE; we call it as TBS.
  • We work in Public Relation. Public Relations mean the way organizations communicate with the public and media.
  • We provide strategic PR solutions using Scientific Brand Development to both internal as well as external public.
  • We have developed our very own methodologies which are based on Consumer behavior, their decision making styles, Persuasive psychology and Neuromarketing, Behavioral economics .(Too much technical stuff? Then get going on the science of advertisement tab, you would love it.)
  • We understand current scenarios, how business works in the millennial generation and we are quiet good at it.
  • We provide you the combination of market capturing and PR.
  • We believe public relations are 90 % human psychology and 10 % communication.
  • Currently we are serving 42 clients from various sectors such as Dairy, FMCG, Garments, Construction, Chemicals, And Health care


Every great dream begins with a dreamer-Harriet Tubman

The story behind our story brings back old college days of Nishant.

A studious person who never stopped reading.

His worried Indian parents thought “what is he reading”, “how is he going to use this knowledge?”, “Is it even useful?” But people barely know that whatever happens; happens for a reason.

Interests in psychology brought him to the concepts of Consumer behavior, Neuro economics.

With the knowledge he consumed from reading he started giving advices to friends in their business regarding customer attention and branding, and it brought huge response. It was just a beginning but few questions always made him wonder about ad agencies.

He thought of typical advertising agencies as “Does this even work this way?” “Is anyone even watching your advertise?”

One day while sipping his favorite beverage, coffee, he started dreaming to take advertising platform to such level from where you sense the brain’s capabilities, emotional quotient of brain and implement such strategies which will directly hit every corner of mind.

He had a brain wave that advertisement is no more art but is science. With such thoughts he started thinking “can we create any scientific methodology which will create persuasive advertisement”

Day dreaming, Night dreaming, Lots of studying and searching, and oh yes, lots of coffee developed Scientific Brand Development.

And here we are, THE BRAND SENSE- Strategy based Public Relation Company!

We are on our way to achieve our bucket list. Hope you join the board sooner!


We believe that our workforce is a company. So let’s see who are going to work with you on your business.

Nishant Suryawanshi - The Brand Maker

Let me introduce this person as Man with the Plan.

With vast knowledge in neuro economics, Psychology, and consumer behavior this man leads TBS.

He is keen observer and has the ability to understand a person even when he is not talking. (Trust me, he actually does it!)

He has penned books on Science, Technology and Development which are recommended in Shivaji & Solapur University Curriculum.

His intellects can reach to the heights and depths of any person considering the psychological and Neurological aspects of decision making.

He hasn’t been bored working as a brand consultant in more than 7 years; and is quiet proud of that.

In free time he prefers reading. Actually you will always find him reading. He really loves it.

Padmaja Khambe - Internal Brand Strategist

She has MBA (HR), Diploma in Labor law.

Previously she has worked as a HR executive for 5 years. You will find her working for internal public.

She is strong believer of happy employees give happy customers. Her philosophy is if you cannot keep your employees happy how can you make your customers happy. Hence she focuses on creating Employer brand. That is creating a healthy work culture.

With interest in payroll specification, she decided to go further and learn some labor rights which would tell her about salary structure etc.

A big time bollywood fan prefers watching movies in a free with wide range of interest.

Avanti Korade - Visual Communication Strategist

Your company’s logo, and all the creative stuff is avanti handmade.

She holds diploma in applied arts.

She loves drawing more than anything and when asked, “since when did u start drawing?” answers with “I don’t remember, as I was a little kid back then”. (Such dedication)

She is nature lover and prefers her “me time” close to the water body, or precisely shores of konkan.

She is believer of “colors to life and images bring aliveness to it.”

Shivam Kokare - Marketing Strategist

Shivam has joined TBS as marketing strategist and parallely has vast knowledge of stock market. Previously he has worked as financial analyst and in fraud department in one of the leading Canadian company.

When he us not busy with numbers and charts he prefers cooking. His all time favourite interests are trekking, travelling and is big time nature lover.

Manasi Shah - Digital Strategist

Last but not least, she looks after digital strategy making.

With interests varying in lots of fields she had very scattered thoughts.

While roaming on known roads of Kolhapur, seeing shops which were never crowded and never gain any popularity, made her wonder why is it happening. They have prime locations, what is the thing we should do to help their business grow.

She never knew what to do with all such thoughts. But some rightly say about Law of Attraction. With interests and curiosity in communication and related fields and with thoughts of creating something creative she landed in TBS and is loving it.